A sound, practical introduction to a complex and wide-ranging subject. Danu Forest's guidance chimes closely with my own experience of working with spirits over many years. Integrating folk traditions, literary sources and archaeology with contemporary practice, Danu combines visually strong and spiritually apposite ideas with sensitive advice concerning our relations with spirit, as well as working with sacred sites. As Danu says, how we perceive the spirits we connect with as Druids does make a difference. Having been plugging the notion of Druidry as the native 'shamanic' tradition of Britain and Europe since 1974, it's good to see that it's increasingly catching on, not only amongst fellow Druids, but also amongst archaeologists. I believe we are heading in a direction that links us very firmly with the spirit of ancient Druidry. This is what I call rekindling the sacred fire of Druidry, and I believe Danu Forest's 'The Druid Shaman' will play a part in this rekindling. --Philip Shallcrass - 'Greywolf' Chief of the British Druid Order.