IntroductionUnit 1 Biology1: Obtaining foodScience in context! Healthy diets for healthy people1.1: A balanced diet1.2: Carbohydrates1.3: Proteins and fats1.4: Vitamins, minerals and fibre1.5: Plants make food1.6: Finding out about photosynthesis1.7: Factors affecting photosynthesis1.
8: The digestive system1.9: Digestive enzymes1.10: More about digestionEnd of chapter questions2: Chapter 2 Circulation and respirationScience in context! The history of the heart2.1: Absorption of water and minerals in plants2.2: Transport systems in plants2.3: Transport in humans2.4: The heart2.5: The blood2.
6: Problems of the circulatory system2.7: The respiratory system2.8: Breathing in and out2.9: Respiration in cells2.10: Smoking and healthEnd of chapter questions3: Reproduction and growthScience in context! Finding the causes and cures of disease3.1: The female reproductive system3.2: The menstrual cycle and fertility3.3: The male reproductive system3.
4: Fertilisation and development of the early embryo3.5: Pregnancy and birth3.6: Growth and the factors that affect growth3.7: The changes during adolescence3.8: Drugs affecting reproduction and growth3.9: Drugs affecting behaviour3.10: The impact of diseaseEnd of chapter questionsUnit 2 Chemistry4: Elements, mixtures and compoundsScience in context! Chemical giants4.1: Revisiting the particle model4.
2: Gas pressure4.3: Diffusion4.4: Atoms, molecules and elements4.5: Chemical symbols and formulae4.6: Introducing the Periodic Table4.7: Elements and compounds4.8: Forming compounds from elements4.9: Investigating elements, mixtures and compoundsEnd of chapter questions5: Metals, non-metals and corrosionScience in context! Interesting elements5.
1: Metals, non-metals and the Periodic Table5.2: Properties of metals and non-metals5.3: Exceptional elements5.4: Elements from compounds5.5: Making and testing hydrogen5.6: Rusting5.7: Investigating rusting5.8: Preventing rust5.
9: Corrosion of other metalsEnd of chapter questions6: Chemical reactionsScience in context! Chemistry in the kitchen6.1: Preparing a chloride6.2: Preparing a sulfate6.3: Preparing oxides6.4: Preparing metal hydroxides6.5: Carbonates plus acid6.6: Flame tests6.7: Reactions with waterEnd of chapter questionsUnit 3 Physics7: LightScience in context! An illuminating story7.
1: Rays of light7.2: Transmitting, absorbing and reflecting7.3: Reflection of light7.4: Refraction7.5: Dispersion and the spectrum7.6: Investigating colour7.7: Coloured light and filters7.8: Sight7.
9: Lenses and cameras7.10: Using lenses to magnifyEnd of chapter questions8: SoundScience in context! Beautiful sounds8.1: Making sounds8.2: Describing sound waves8.3: Analysing sound waves8.4: The speed of sound8.5: Sound in solids and liquids8.6: Hearing sounds8.
7: The dangers of sounds8.8: Beyond our range of hearingEnd of chapter questions9: Forces and magnetsScience in context! From super fast to super small9.1: Speed9.2: More about the speed equation9.3: Measuring speed electronically9.4: Showing movement with graphs9.5: Forces and movement9.6: Magnets9.
7: Making and testing magnets9.8: Magnetic fields9.9: Electromagnets9.10: Electromagnetic devicesEnd of chapter questionsGlossaryIndexPhoto acknowledgements.