"A winningly unadorned memoir. Second Nature is like wrestling itself -- raw, cathartic and a lot of fun, and it's sure to please." -- NPRBooks.com "A must-read." -- OrlandoSentinal.com "A fascinating look at [Ric and Charlotte's] lives and the behind the scenes.of being a wrestler." --RedCarpetCrash.
com "Every person that aspires to be a professional in this business should take notes from Ric Flair." -- John Cena "After I did the film the wrestler, one of the greatest pro wrestlers approached me and congratulated me on my performance. The Nature Boy's compliment meant very much to me because he and Roddy Piper were inspiration for my character. Both Flair & Piper let it all hang out on many nights! I am certain that Ric Flair worked through the physical pain he endured year after year to give the audience a thrilling show. You could see it when Flair walked out to the ring-- the man loved his job and loved his fans. He was and still is loved by millions all over the world. He gave all of himself. I loved the guy the first 30 seconds I meet him and was privileged to do a show in Houston with him.
To this day I admire and look up to this great athlete & entertainer!" -- MICKEY ROURKE "Nobody compares to the stylin, profilin', limousine riding, jet flying, world-class entertainer and person, my friend, Ric Flair!"-- Jim Harbaugh, University of Michigan. "Even if people don't know anything about WWE, they know who Ric Flair is. The man is a legend, an all around great guy! Give me 2 claps and a Ric Flair WOOOOO!" -- Rob Gronkowski 87 "I love Charlotte. She's a talented female. And she carries herself. When she enters that damn arena, everybody comes to their feet when they hit that music. It's a moment." -- Stone Cold Steve Austin "I used to watch 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair and hope that one day I could be just like him, the coolest, most happening guy in the world.
Today, I sit a humble and flabbergasted wrestling fan to have the honor of calling him a colleague and a friend." -- Shawn Michaels "Having Ric Flair as a mentor made my career. Being under his wing helped me achieve more in this industry than I could have imagined." -- Batista "It is not easy being a wrestler's daughter. Charlotte always thinks she could do better. She is still so eager to learn and improve. She has been through a lot and it is rewarding to see her discovering her potential, which is limitless." -- Natalya.