Gabriel Fitzmaurice was born in 1952 in the village ofMoyvane, County Kerry, where he still lives. He is principal of the primaryschool in the village and is the author of more than thirty books, includingcollections of poetry in English and Irish. His books of verse for childrenhave become classics. Gabriel frequently broadcasts on radio and television oneducation and the arts. Alice Coleman is an illustrator, graphic designer andanimator from Cork. Her artwork has been exhibited in the Crawford Art Galleryand other venues around Ireland, and she received a commendation award at theLSAD Drawing Awards 2017. She was awarded Best Letterer by Irish Comic News in2017 and was nominated again in 2018. Alice graduated from LSAD with a degreein animation and has had two short animated films shown at the Dingle AnimationFestival.
Really Rotten Rhymes