Christmas 2060: The Final Christmas details the adventures of Santa Claus (Kris Kringle) in the not too distant future. The world of 2060 finds Santa Claus confronting Miranda Lovington and Dr. Mortimer Snarley and their evil plot to destroy the spirit of Christmas. The evil duo uses Snarley's incredible brain power and Lovington's immense global wealth to carry out their sinister plans. Their misguided plan is to end Kringle's quest to spread joy and good will on earth by giving presents to young and old alike. Kringle is also ageing and realizes he needs a replacement to carry on the Christmas mission. His replacement is found in Adam Newman, a confused, but kind-hearted husband and new father of twins.More than a lovable series of Christmas books, The Kringle Manuscripts give insights into the world of the Great Ideas that is entertaining for children and adults.
Christmas 2060 : The Final Christmas