For introductory courses in financial and managerial accounting in the areas of government or public policy and management, not-for-profit management, and health policy and management. One of the few texts that addresses financial and managerial accounting within the three major areas of the public sector. Financial Management for Public, Health, and Not-for-Profit provides the fundamentals of financial management for those pursuing careers within the public, health, and not-for-profit fields. With a unique presentation that explains the rules specific to the public sector, this book outlines the framework for students to access and apply financial information more effectively. The latest edition of this text has been updated thoroughly with many additional homework problems and cases. Clear organization that places Managerial Accounting before Financial Accounting : When presented in this order this text makes the subject matter more relevant for students and provides them with better clarity of the material. "User Approach"/Appropriate for Managers : Defines the vocabulary, concepts, methods, and basic tools of financial management and financial analysis. - Provides the language skills and tools necessary so that all managers can understand and make use of financial information.
Non-technical presentation : Emphasizes the importance of financial information for making decisions rather than on the technical process of generating financial statements. A highly effective pedagogical package: This package furnishes students with hands-on opportunities to test their knowledge of the material and includes: Analyses Updated appendices Case studies Real-life examples Innovative approach: Shows students how to use Excel for Time Value of Money computations that use a combination of screen shots and explanations of Excel formulae. This approach helps students to more easily understand how to approach TVM with Excel while providing them with tangible examples and descriptions. NEW! Reorganization of content for better comprehension : The most important change in this edition has been the separation of the old Chapters 5 and 12 each into two chapters. - Chapter 5 was divided into two parts to allow for a clearer focus on the capital budgeting decision separate from the long term financing decision. - The discussion of Cost Benefit Analysis , which is really a capital budget technique, has been moved from Chapter 3 to Chapter 5. - Chapter 12 was divided in order to allow a separate focus on recording government financial information in contrast to reporting financial results. NEW! Greater range and number of homework problems and cases: This edition supplies students with even more opportunity to practice the material they learn.
NEW! Addition or expansion of discussion related to: Behavioral Aspects of the Budget Process Sarbanes-Oxley Balanced Scorecards Controlling Quality including Total Quality Management, Six Sigma, and Quality Control Charts Triple Bottom Line Performance Measurement The Form 990 International Financial Reporting Standards The Accounting Cycle.