If you don't have a dream, how will you make it come true? In Bill Fields' inspirational and informative, Get Up, Get Over and Get On With It, Lessons for Turning Life's Setbacks into Successful Comebacks he shows you how to achieve the life you've always wanted in ten easy to follow lessons. A rags-to-riches story himself, Fields survived drug addition, reform schools, prison and even beat cancer. He made it a misson to talk to peak performers, sales pros, athletes, industry leaders, and also reviewed hundreds of surveys, research papers, and self-help books, tapes and CD's to determine what the keys to success really are. He discovered there were ten principles that were common among all people enjoying success and happiness in their lives. Those became the lessons he now teaches in his All Star Coaching Program. As practical as it is profound, Fields' new book shows you just what to do to make your dreams a reality. Clearly written and full of inspiration, Get Up, Get Over and Get On With It, Lessons for Turning Life's Setbacks into Successful Comebacks shows you how personal change starts with a dream of a better life. Once you claim that dream, you next need to turn it into a goal that you can act upon, give yourself a deadline to achieve your goal, whether it's five years or six months and stick to it.
Be concrete in what you want and make no excuses. If you want something now, why put it off until next week or next year? Remember, the time to act is now. The truth is, says Fields, that most people treat their dreams too lightly, when actually those very dreams could change their lives. Whether your dreams have to do with your finances, your job, or your relationships, you can change things for the better, and Fields shows you exactly how to do it. Have a clear picture in your mind of what your new, improved life is going to look like. Let your imagination run wild Fearlessly burn your escape routes and act as if your life depends on attaining this goal, and you're much more likely to reach it. Successful people have a burning desire to succeed, Fields asserts. Cultivate that desire within yourself.
Believe in yourself and others will too. Don't hang out with "the easy crowd" who will motivate you to take life easier, too. Go back through your life and weed out all the negative messages. The moment you stop believing in yourself, failure will follow. So make a list of all the things you are good at. Believe them. Even a simple thing as what you say can have a big impact, says Fields. Instead of saying "I wish," replace it with "I will.
" Begin to replace "I could," with "I will." When problems crop up, look at them as opportunities rather than problems. Change the way you view your life, and you might be surprised to see that your life changes, too. Eliminate the word "but," because it will stop you from succeeding, and don't get stuck in the past. Just because things were one way at one time, doesn't mean they still have to be that way. Says Fields, "Believe in your dreams, and they may come true, but if you believe in yourself, your dreams are guaranteed to come true." Filled with tips, techniques and tricks, Get Up, Get Over and Get On With It, Lessons for Turning Life's Setbacks into Successful Comebacks can unlock the door to your true potential and help you achieve the sucess and happiness you deserve.