Section 1: Structure and functions of the oral cavity.1. The oral cavity in health.Section 2: Diseases and conditions of the oral cavity.2. Plaque, calculus and staining.3. Chronic gingivitis.
4. Chronic periodontitis.5. Other oral diseases.6. Caries.7. Tooth surface loss and sensitivity.
8. Xerostomia.Section 3: Oral disease prevention.9. Food, glorious food.10. Sugars in the diet.11.
Fluoride.12. Fissure sealants.13. Smoking cessation.Section 4: Delivering oral health messages.14. Communication.
15. Principles of education.16. Setting up a preventive dental unit.17. Planning an oral hygiene session.18. Anti-plaque agents.
19. Practical oral hygiene instruction.Section 5: Oral health target groups and case studies.20. Pregnant and nursing mothers.21. Parents of pre-11-year-olds.22.
Adolescent and orthodontic patients.23. Older people.24. At risk and special care patients.25. Minority ethnic groups.26.
Other health professionals.27. Planning education case studies.Section 6: Oral health and society.28. Sociology.29. Epidemiology.
30. Evidence-based prevention.31. UK dental services.32. Oral health promotion.