Basics of Web Design: HTML5 & CSS3 contains the following features to facilitate learning: A well-rounded text thoroughly covers all basic topics of web design, including: Introductory Internet and World Wide Web concepts Creating web pages with HTML5 Configuring text, color, and page layout with Cascading Style Sheets Configuring images and multimedia on web pages Exploring new CSS3 properties Web design best practices Accessibility, usability, and search engine optimization considerations Obtaining a domain name and a web host Publishing to the web A modern approach helps students design web pages for today and tomorrow NEW! Text teaches students to take advantage of the coding techniques available today and prepares them for the HTML5 coding techniques of the future. NEW! An expanded treatment and recognition of the design process acknowledges the importance of this aspect of web design. Accessibility Icons indicate places in the text that focus on creating accessible websites, an element that is extremely important to modern web design. Ethics Icons indicate places in the text that focus on ethical issues related to web development. Quick Tips provide useful background information throughout the text. A hands-on text invites students to practice what they learn An integration of both "hard" and "soft" skills provides a well-rounded foundation through which students can explore different careers in web development Hard skills are HTML5 coding (ch 1-2) and Cascading Style Sheets (ch 4-11) Soft skills include web design (ch 3) and publishing to the web (ch 12) NEW! Practice exercises have been expanded upon within the chapters to encourage hands-on practice and introduce students to ongoing, real world case studies. Case studies that continue throughout most of the text reinforce skills discussed in each chapter by relating them to real world examples. Focus on Web Design activities in each chapter offer additional exploration of topics related to that chapter.
Explore Further Icons identify enrichment topics along with web resources that supplement concepts explored by the text. FAQs with answers from the author are included in the text to clarify common questions students encounter when reading the text. UPDATED! Reference Materials are provided by the appendix, and include: NEW! HTML5 reference XHTML reference NEW! comparison of HTML5 and XHTML WCAG 2.0 Quick reference. Video Notes placed in the margins of the text indicate when material is supplemented by short, step-by-step videos that demonstrate how to solve problems from design to coding.