An important contribution to the discussion about risk in the nonprofit sector.The Nonprofit Risk Book, co-authored by Jesse Feiler and Gail B. Nayowith introduces the concept of "Enterprise Risk Management, an approach that looks at organizational risk and searches for patterns that need a broad approach to identification and mitigation." The book offers practical advice to persons responsible for the health of their organizations. Longtime veterans of the sector can only hope that this book finds its way to the syllabi of those who teach future nonprofit leaders and to board and staff leaders throughout the sector who will distribute it to their boards and use the information made available to avoid events similar to those that inspired the authors to write this book. --Richard Mittenthal, President and CEO, TCC Group This book offers solid guidance on where risks lie and how to leverage structures, policies, processes, transparency, and other tools to reduce liabilities inherent in the work. It's a must read for anyone seeking to protect and strengthen their nonprofit. --Allison Sesso, Executive Director, Human Services Council of New York The Nonprofit Risk Book is a "must read" for every leader in the field.
By not only destigmatizing risk by helping readers to appreciate its presence and potential in every organization, but also equipping them with the tools to identify and effectively address risk, Feiler and Nayowith are helping nonprofits to materially and sustainably change for the better. --Jennifer Jones Austin, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director, FPWA.