Preface List of Contributors Introduction: Sound Governance in the Age of Globalization; a Conceptual Framework by Ali Farazmand Globalization and Sound Governance Globalization and Governance: A Theoretical Analysis by Ali Farazmand The Politics of International Policy Learning in Public Administration under Globalization: Claims and Realities Interdependence by Anthony Cheung, City University of Hong Kong Capacity Building for Governance and Administration Building Partnerships for Sound Governance: Local, National, and Global by Ali Farazmand Trust as Capacity: Implications for Sound Governance and Administration by Robert Denhardt Substantive Policy Innovations, Governance, and Administration Planning for Sound Governance: A Classical Approach for the 21st Century by Anthony James Catanese Crime, Governance, and Communities: Tracking the Dimensions of the New Criminal Justice Reform by Gordon Bazemore Modernizing Democracy: Citizen Participation in the Information Revolution by F. Stevens Redburn and Terry Buss Innovations in Organization, Management, and Governance Organizational Innovation and Public Management by Robert Golembiewski and Eran Vigoda Diversity, Administration, and Governance by Mary E. Guy and Jason Bennet Thatcher Innovation and Intergovernmental Relations by David C. Nice and Ashley Grosse Strategic Innovations in Public Management Total Quality Management (TQM) in Public Management: An Innovative Strategy for Managerial Capacity Building by Ali Farazmand and Friederick Mittner Quality Assurance as Public Administration Capacity Building by Raymond Saner Innovations in Development Policy and Administration Revisiting the Public Sector Reform in the Context of Globalization: A View from Inside the United Nations and Yolande Jemiai Innovation in Development Administration, Governance, and Management by Abu T. Rahman The Struggle of Small Bureaucracies to Develop Traditional Ethical Policies by Jean-Claude Garcia-Zamor About the Contributors Index.
Sound Governance : Policy and Administrative Innovations