PART 1: THE ACADEMIC WRITER 1. Thinking as an Academic Writer Explore Through Writing Understand the Process of Writing Understand the Rhetorical Situation Analyze Your Assignment Think About Your Genre Think About Your Medium Think About Your Topic Think About What Your Readers Expect Think About Your Credibility 2. Reading as an Academic Writer Become a Critical Reader Become a Critical Viewer Annotate Academic Readings Read Actively Recognize Fallacies Write a Summary Write a Paraphrase Move from Reading to Invention Start an Annotated Bibliography Synthesize Readings and Visuals 3. Planning Move from a General Topic to a Writing Plan Narrow Your Topic Write a Thesis Make a Plan 4. Drafting Draft with Strategies in Mind Write a Zero Draft Draft From a Working Outline Start Fast with an Engaging Title and Opening Paragraph Develop Paragraphs Conclude with Strength Link Within and Across Paragraphs Write an Essay Exam 5. Revising Revising and Editing Evaluate Your Draft Respond to Others Pay Attention to Details Last Revise Using your Instructor''s Comments PART 2: THE PERSUASIVE WRITER 6. Reflections Writing a Reflection What Makes a Good Reflection? Reflections About Visuals Reading Reflections Sue Kunitomi Embrey, Some Lines for a Younger Brother . David Sedaris, Let it Snow Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez, My Hips, My Caceras Amy Tan, Mother Tongue How to Write a Reflection STUDENT EXAMPLE Janine Carter, The Miracle Quilt Projects 7.
Observations Writing an Observation What Makes a Good Observation? Visual Observations Reading Observations Kellie Schmitt, The Old Man Isn''t There Anymore Gwendolyn Oxenham, Pelada John Muir, Interview with the Bear Ansel Adams, Photographs of Japanese-Americans at Manzanar National Park Service, Yellowstone''s Geothermal Resources How to Write an Observation STUDENT EXAMPLE (APA Style) Sarah Cuellar, Playing in Traffic: How Parallel Play Helps Preschool Children "Merge" into Group Play Projects 8. Informative Essays and Visuals Reporting Information What Makes Good Informative Writing? Informative Visuals Reading Informative Writing Katherine Mangan, Is Faster Always Better? Kheehong Song and Allison Cui, Understanding China''s Middle Class Shane D. Johnson, Aiden Sitebottom, and Adam Thorpe, Bicycle Theft National Aeronautics and Space Administration, The Current and Future Consequences of Climate Change US Department of Agriculture, MyPlate Brochure John Mitchell, A map of the British and French dominions in North America, 1755 How to Write to Inform STUDENT EXAMPLE Lakshmi Kotra, The Life Cycle of Stars Projects 9. Rhetorical, Visual, and Literary Analyses Writing an Analysis Writing a Rhetorical Analysis Writing a Visual Analysis Writing a Literary Analysis Reading Analyses Tim Collins, Straight from the Heart David T. Z. Mindich, The Collapse of Big Media: The Young and the Restless Frank Gehry, The Ray and Maria Stata Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Kate Chopin, The Story of an Hour Dagoberto Gilb, Love in LA Student Literary Analysis: Quandre Brown, Fender-bender Romance in Dagoberto Gilb''s "Love in L.A." How to Write an Analysis STUDENT EXAMPLE Chris Gonzalez, Russell Lee''s Pie Town Photographs Writing Arguments 10.
Causal Arguments Writing a Causal Argument What Makes a Good Causal Argument? Visual Causal Arguments Reading Causal Arguments Laura Fraser, The French Paradox Emily Raine, Why Should I Be Nice To You? Coffee Shops and the Politics of Good Service Kay S. Hymowitz, The New Girl Order Tom Vanderbilt, Why I Became a Late Merger (and Why You Should Too) How to Write a Causal Argument STUDENT EXAMPLE Armandi Tansel, Modern Warfare: Video Games'' Link to Real-World Violence Projects 11. Evaluation Arguments Writing an Evaluation Argument What Makes a Good Evaluation Argument? Visual Evaluations Reading Evaluations Bill McKibben, The Only Way to Have a Cow Rachel Laudan, In Praise of Fast Food Katharine Mieszkowski, We Paved Paradise How to Write an Evaluation STUDENT EXAMPLE Jenna Picchi, Organic Foods Should Come Clean Projects 12. Position Arguments Writing a Position Argument What Makes a Good Position Argument? Visual Position Arguments Reading Position Arguments Ted Koppel, Take My Privacy, Please! Frederick Douglass, What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July? Michael Pollan, Eat Food, Food Defined Jeff Speck, The Walkability Dividend James Paul Gee, Games, Not Schools, Are Teaching Kids to Think "Are You Pouring on the Pounds?", Food Cops Bust Cookie Monster How to Write a Position Argument STUDENT EXAMPLE (MLA Style) Patrice Conley, Flagrant Foul: The NCAA''s Definition of Student Athletes as Amateurs Projects 13. Proposal Arguments Writing a Proposal Argument What Makes a Good Proposal Argument? Visual Proposals Reading Proposal Arguments Thomas Jefferson, The Declaration of Independence Sunni Brown, The Doodle Revolutionary''s Manifesto Glenn Loury, A Nation of Jailers Peter W. Huber, Bound to Burn Chris Packham and Mark Wright, Should Pandas Be Left to Face Extinction? San Francisco Bicycle Coalition, Connecting the City How to Write a Proposal Argument STUDENT EXAMPLE Kim Lee, Let''s Make It a Real Melting Pot with Presidential Hopes for All PART 3: THE MULTIMEDIA WRITER 14. Composing in Multimedia Communicate With Visuals and words Understanding the Process of Composing in Multimedia Take Pictures That Aren''t Boring Compose Images Create Audience Create Video Create a Photo Essay 15. Designing for Print and Digital Readers Start with Your Readers Use Headings and Subheadings Effectively Design Pages Understand Typography Evaluate Your Design 16.
Delivering Presentations and Portfolios Plan a Presentation Design Effective Visuals Deliver a Successful Presentation Creating Portfolios 17. Writing for Online Courses Keep Track of Online Coursework Participate in Online Discussions Manage Online Writing 18. Working as a Team Organize a Team Brainstorm as a Team Work as a Team PART 4: THE WRITER AS RESEARCHER 19. Planning Research Analyze the Research Task Ask a Question Determine What You Need Draft a Working Thesis 20. Finding Sources Identify the Kinds of Sources That You Need Search Using Keywords Find Sources in Databases Find Sources on the Web Find Multimedia Sources Find Print Sources Create a Working Bibliography 21. Evaluating Sources Determine the Relevance and Quality of Sources Determine the Kind of Source Determine If a Source Is Trustworthy 22. Exploring in the Field Conduct Interviews Administer Surveys Make Observations 23. Writing the Research Project Write a Draft Avoid Plagiarism Quote Sources Without Plagiarizing Summarize and Paraphrase Sources Without Plagiarizing Incorporate Quotations Incorporate Visuals Review Your Research Project