The Importance of the Dissertation in Practice (DiP) : A Resource Guide for EdD Students, Their Committee Members and Advisors, and Departmental and University Leaders Involved with EdD Programs
The Importance of the Dissertation in Practice (DiP) : A Resource Guide for EdD Students, Their Committee Members and Advisors, and Departmental and University Leaders Involved with EdD Programs
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Author(s): Everson, Kimberlee
Hemmer, Lynn
Torres, Kelly M.
ISBN No.: 9781975505578
Pages: 300
Year: 202404
Format: Trade Paper
Price: $ 67.50
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

Dr. Kimberlee K. C. Everson is an associate professor of research methods at Western Kentucky University where she teaches graduate-level research and statistics courses. Her methodological specialties are in improvement science, Q sorting methodology, scale development, propensity score matching, and latent variable models. She conducts research in the areas of teacher evaluation and accountability, faculty professional development, dissertation design, artificial intelligence in education, and religious belief change processes. Her work has been featured in journals such as Review of Educational Research, Harvard Educational Review, and Pastoral Psychology. Dr.

Everson is the mother of 3 biological children, 5 adopted children, 7 stepchildren, and she has eleven grandchildren and counting. When she is not teaching, advising, or doing research she enjoys hiking and creating art. Lynn Hemmer , educator, researcher, and practitioner of educational administration and leadership is a Professor in the department of Educational Leadership at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. She has an B.S. in Geology from California Lutheran University, and a M.A. and Ph.

D. in Educational Administration from Texas A&M University. Her professional background includes over fifteen years of experience in the K12 public school setting as a teacher, school administrator and district coordinator. Her work entails supporting aspiring and current administrators and leaders in the Pk-20 setting as they generate and disseminate new knowledge in the field of critical/social justice perspective in problem/solution formation and research refinement. Her research explores the intersections of alternative education, policy implementation, and educational equity for special populations. Kelly Torres, PhD is Department Chair of the Educational Psychology and Technology Program at The Chicago School. Her research interests are focused on international education, preservice teachers, innovative technologies, and online learning. Suha R.

Tamim EdD, MPH is a Clinical Associate Professor in the University of South Carolina Curriculum Studies Program. Her publications are focused on systems thinking and the design of learning environments. She is an active member of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology and the Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate. She currently serves as co-editor in chief for Impacting Education: Journal of Transforming Professional Practice .

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