Former buffalo solider Jacob Keever enjoys a hard-won peace with Mea-a-ha, his beautiful Apache squaw, in their secluded mountain hollow. It's a dream realized, or so they think. Everything changes one wintry night, as a valiant warrior clinging to his pony and to life finds his way to his arch enemy's front door. Jacob must take him in because he is of Mea-a-ha's people. The warrior bring news of the massacre at Tres Castillo, news that puts the soldier and his new bride at odds. Jacob wants nothing more than to remain in his mountain retreat protecting those he loves, but fate works against him. To save his family, he must lead them in harm's way. An unlikely rabble with strikingly diverse racial and cultural backgrounds joins the deadly adventure.
For Keever's family to survive a price must be paid. Not everyone will return. Will the Mimbre Riders save a remnant of Mea-a-ha's people, or will they perish themselves? Will their own prejudice prove more dangerous than the enemy? In this sequl to the much acclaimed Jacob's Hollow, Duane Vadron Evans weaves romance and endearing characters into a historical backdrop that provides a glimpse into the last days of the Mimbre Apaches.