Living on 'England's Green & Pleasant Land', amongst the gently, rolling hills of the Herefordshire Countryside, Rose's house is wall to wall books. She even has a 'leaning tower of paperbacks'. Rose is a dreamer, preferring a simple & quiet life. Although miles away from family and friends she is never alone, people are after all, only a phone call or email away. Plus she is often tied up, busy visiting new places, and having adventures when lost in a good book. Working as a school librarian, and sharing her love of books with the children was the best job she ever had. However, life moves on and another chapter was only a page turn away.Now working in an entirely different library, one for the issuing of 'Medical Equipment'.
Writing has been simply a hobby for Rose until winning a DigiWriting short story competition with 'The Magic of Grandfather Christmas' Now she is inspired to further edit & develop stories she had ideas for, when doing National Novel Writing Month or NaNoWriMo.Check out Rose's work in progress on www.GillariBooks.comWatch out for a new series of short stories, the 'Love Lost' series will feature one short story and 'An A~Z of Herbal Remedies, Plants or Myths and Legends'.