The story of Eloise Wellings is a running story, a health story, a humanitarian story, a motherhood story, and a faith story. At the heart of each of these, however, is persistence and perseverance, resilience and endurance, and resolve in the place of adversity. It turns out that these qualities aren't the sole domain of the long distance runner, but for anyone navigating a life.Whether it's business or politics, sport or ministry, work or play, relationships or raising a family, adversity and disappointment are reliable denominators. That's not a negative thought, it's the reality of the seasons of life. Our hope is that in Eloise's story, you'll see glimpses of your own. The characters and context will be different. Perhaps the outcomes will be, too.
But there are threads of a shared humanity in one another's stories that have the capacity to inspire and revive.Enjoy the story of her life, you'll likely find some fuel for the road ahead on your own life as you do.