AUDIENCE FOR BOOK: * People who have suffered an income loss and are unable to pay their bills.* Individuals overwhelmed by credit card debt.* People who want to stop a wage garnishment or get out from under a lawsuit.* Families who are struggling with debt and want a fresh start.REASONS TO BUY THIS NEW EDITION: * Approximately 475,000 Chapter 7 bankruptcies were filed in 2016, 28% increase in business bankruptcies;* Bankruptcies rise throughout 2017. As interest rates rise and the cost of borrowing becomes more expensive, debt-laden consumers and businesses will continue to seek shelter in bankruptcy. U.S.
households are in debt to the tune of $12.0 trillion dollars. Roughly two-thirds of Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck, and 57% don't have enough money to cover a $500.00 emergency expense.* Unlike most other self-help bankruptcy books, How to File for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy explains the law in detail so that you can prepare your own paperwork and avoid hefty attorneys' fees.* Helps you determine whether you qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy relief.* Lists the property that each state allows its residents to protect (exempt) so you'll know what you'll be able to keep.* Includes step-by-step instructions for the newly-revised official bankruptcy forms.