Professor Ahmed Hashash has completed his PhD from Manchester University, UK. He is a fellow of the California Institute of Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) and New York University Medical School (MSSM), USA. Prof. Ahmed Hashash worked as a senior biomedical research scientist at Mount Sinai School of Medicine of New York University and Children's Hospital Los Angeles. He was Assistant Professor and Principal Investigator of Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine at Keck School of Medicine and Ostrow School of Dentistry of The University of Southern California, USA. Prof. Hashash has joined The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh Medical School and Zhejiang International Campus, (ZJU) as Tenure-Track Associate Professor and Senior Principal Investigator of Biomedicine, Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine. He is also adjunct Professor and Senior Principle Investigator at the School of Basic Medical Science and School of Medicine, Zhejiang University.
Prof. Hashash has several breakthrough discoveries in genes/enzymes that control stem cell behavior and regenerative medicine. He has published more than 25 papers in reputed international journals and serving as an editorial board member of repute. Prof. El-Hashash acts as a discussion leader at the prestigious Gordon Research Seminar/Conference in USA, and a Peer Reviewer/ International Extramural Review for The Medical Research Council (MRC) grant applications, London, UK. He is invited to speak at several international conferences in USA, Spain, Germany, Greece, Egypt, Japan and China. He is the editor or author of several books on stem cell and regenerative medicine.