Make sure you understand the pathologies most frequently diagnosed with medical imaging! Corresponding to the chapters in Eisenberg and Johnson's Comprehensive Radiographic Pathology, 5th Edition, this workbook includes practical activities that help you understand disease processes, their radiographic appearance, and their likely treatment. Each chapter offers anatomy labeling exercises, multiple-choice, matching, and fill-in-the-blank questions, as well as a self-test. Case studies are included in the Body Systems chapters. An answer key is provided at the end of the book.Thorough review reflects the material in the Comprehensive Radiographic Pathology textbook and helps you understand disease processes and their radiographic appearance, and produce optimal diagnostic images. Anatomic images let you review A&P and gain practice with examination, labeling, and analysis. A wide variety of exercises help you learn anatomy, technique adjustment, and pathology identification. Case studies with pathology images make it easier to notice relevant details on the image and become familiar with the appearance of pathologies in different imaging modalities.
Self-tests at the end of each chapter allow you to assess your understanding. Updated content prepares you for today's practice.