LOUIS DE VAUQUELIN is an ancient French vampire living in modern-day Los Angeles. His life in self-imposed exile has become peaceful and relatively carefree until time suddenly begins to unravel, forcing him to navigate the already chartered waters of his past.Vauquelin fumbles his way through history in reverse, ripping the scabs off of old wounds and mourning the loss of his futurepast joys, all the while attempting to keep certain skeletons firmly locked in their closets where they belong.But the past has a way of making its presence known, especially when one is reliving it. Vauquelin's mundane modern L.A. existence is systematically erased, compelling him to confront all his missteps over the last three centuries and acknowledge his defeats.As he regresses through time, he surrenders to his brutal nature and faces an unexpected choice that could alter his life completely, and in turn, extinguish the only true happiness he ever knew.
Beguiled by Night is a complex tapestry of time, horror, and beauty deftly woven with gore and redemption, returning the vampire genre to its proper roots of elegant violence.