"Mary Eberstadt is our most astute commentator on the vast human costs of the sexual revolution. Adam and Eve After the Pill, Revisited is essential reading for anyone who wants to navigate out of the wreckage of our present age." -- R. R. Reno , Editor, First Things "As applied to this book, the words 'bracing' and 'unafraid' are massive understatements--especially in this moment when reason itself has lost so many friends, and politics, cultural and intellectual trends insist that family disintegration is not the crisis it most certainly is. In her literate, passionate, hard-hitting book, chock full of empirical and theological erudition, Mary Eberstadt sets up the debate we so badly need in the United States." -- Helen Alvaré , Robert A. Levy Professor of Law & Liberty, Antonin Scalia Law School, George Mason University " Adam and Eve After the Pill Revisited is a profound series of reflections on the carnage that the sexual revolution has wrought.
It's a wake-up call to everyone--particularly the Church--to be bold in our witness to the truth about human sexuality, as there are human costs to getting human nature wrong." -- Ryan Anderson , Ph.D. , President, Ethics and Public Policy Center; Author, When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment "Mary Eberstadt has given us a great resource to help us not only navigate through this sea of confusion and insanity, but guide the Barque of Peter to once again be a light in the darkness." -- Teresa Tomeo , Author , Extreme Makeover: Women Transformed by Christ, Not Conformed to the Culture "This brilliant and courageous book offers both a surgically precise dissection of the social, cultural, religious, and political effects of the sexual revolution and a powerful plea for a compassionate Christian response to the wreckage the revolution has wrought. Anyone who cares about the human future should read, mark, inwardly digest--and then act upon--Mary Eberstadt's summons to a nobler conception of our nature and destiny." -- George Weigel, Author, The Fragility of Order and The Next Pope "Mary Eberstadt notices disquieting social trends well ahead of the rest of us, uncovering their often paradoxical causes with the acuity of a surgeon, the dexterity of an artist, and the wisdom of a sage. She makes a penetrating--and heartfelt--appeal to the Church and the world once again.
" -- Erika Bachiochi , Author, The Rights of Women: Reclaiming a Lost Vision "Mary Eberstadt's cultural analysis is insightful, serious, and sane--an example of the prophetic discernment and courage to which God calls all believers. This book matters for everyone who cares about human flourishing, loving the marginalized, and proclaiming the Christian Gospel." -- J. D. Flynn , Editor-in-Chief, The Pillar.