Particle Systems, Random Media and Large Deviations
Particle Systems, Random Media and Large Deviations
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Author(s): Durrett, Richard
ISBN No.: 9780821850428
Edition: Reprint
Pages: 380
Year: 198512
Format: Trade Paper
Price: $ 199.29
Status: Out Of Print

M. Campanino, Inequalities for critical probabilities in percolation; J. Chayes and L. Chayes, Random tubes as a model of pair correlations; J. T. Cox and D. Griffeath, Large deviations for some infinite particle system occupation times; D. A.

Dawson and K. J. Hochberg, Function-valued duals for measure-valued processes and applications; A. De Masi, P. A. Ferrari, S. Goldstein, and W. D.

Wick, Invariance principle for reversible Markov processes with application to diffusion in the percolation regime; R. Durrett, Stochastic growth models: Ten problems for the 80's (and 90's); R. S. Ellis, Large deviations and statistical mechanics; P. Gacs, Nonergodic one-dimensional media and reliable computation; H. O. Georgii, Disordered Ising ferromagnets and percolation; L. Gray, The critical behavior of a class of simple interacting systems--a few answers and a lot of questions; A.

Greven, Phase transition for a class of Markov processes on $(\mathbb{N})^S$; G. Grimmett, Large deviations in subadditive processes and first-passage percolation; M. Z. Guo and G. Papanicolau, Random media and selfdiffusion of interacting particles; Y. Higuchi, A weak version of the RSW for the two-dimensional Ising model; R. Holley, Possible rates of convergence in finite range, attractive spin systems; H. Kesten, First-passage percolation and a higher dimensional generalization; E.

S. Key, Using random matrices to give recurrence and trancience criteria for random walk in a random environment; C. Kipnis, Recent results on the movement of a tagged particle in simple exclusion; S. Kotani, On the inverse problem for random Schrodinger operators; G. F. Lawler, Intersections of simple random walks; N. Madras, A process in a randomly fluctuating environment; C. M.

Newman and L. S. Schulman, Infinite chains and clusters in one dimensional directed and undirected percolation; S. Orey, On the Shannon-Perez-Moy theorem; H. Rost and M. E. Vares, Hydrodynamics of a one-dimensional nearest neighbor model; C. L.

Schroeder, Decay rates of Green's functions for the Schrodinger operator; S. Schumacher, Diffusions with random coefficients; J. van den Berg, Disjoint occurrences of events: Results and conjectures; J. C. Wierman, Duality for directed site percolation.

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