Each chapter concludes with a Summary. 1. Introduction and Overview. PART I. 2. Historical Development. 3. Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum.
The Nature of Light. Wave Motion. Speed of Light. The Electromagnetic Spectrum. 4. Reflection and Refraction. General Remarks. Laws of Reflection and Refraction.
Total Internal Reflection. Reflection Using Spherical Wavefronts. Image Formation Using Concave Mirrors. Thin Lenses. Optical Fiber. Optical Fiber Types. Signal Attenuation in Optical Fiber. Signal Distortion in Optical Fiber.
5. Interference. General Remarks. Interference by Wavefront Division. Interference Fringes. Interference by Amplitude Division. The Fabry-Perot Interferometer. Anti-Reflecting Films.
Interference Filters. 6. Diffraction. Diffraction-A Historical Perspective . Diffraction of Light from a Single Slit. Single Slit Diffraction Patterns. Diffraction of Light from a Circular Aperture. Double Slit Diffraction.
Diffraction Gratings-An Important Application of Diffraction. Holography. 7. Polarization of Light. Polarization Involves Transverse Waves. Polarization Caused by Double Refraction. Circular Polarization. Electro-Optic Modulators.
8. Light and Thermal Radiation. Measurement of Light. Blackbody Radiation. Planck's Formula for Blackbody Radiation. The Photoelectric Effect. 9. Quanta and Optical Spectra.
The Dual Nature of Light-Particles and Waves. The Discovery of the Electron. The Theory of Atomic Spectra. Electron Waves. Low Cost Spectroscope. PART II. 10. Semiconductor Light Sources.
Emission Processes in Semiconductors. Semiconductor Materials Used In Light Sources. Light Emitting Diodes. LED Characteristics. Diode Lasers-The Optical Amplification Process. Diode Laser Construction. Diode Laser Characteristics. Modulation of LEDs.
Modulation of Diode Lasers. Coupling Light Sources to Optical Fiber. 11. Optical Transmitters. Circuits Using Light Emitting Diodes. LED Displays. Precautions to Observe for Diode Lasers. Intensity Modulation of Diode Lasers.
Line Coding. The Infrared Data Association (IrDA). 12. Photodetectors. Physical Principles of the Photodiode. Response Time. Noise Sources in Photodiodes. Photodiode Circuit Operating Modes.
Characterization of Detector Response. Avalanche Photodiodes. Phototransistors. Optocouplers. Detectors-Near and Mid-IR Spectral Regions. Photoconductive Cells. 13. Optical Receivers.
General Purpose Detectors. Selection of a Photodiode and Load Resistor for Circuit Operation. Photoconductive Operation using an Operational Amplifier. Photovoltaic Operation using an Operational Amplifier. Controlling Noise. Bandwidth. Electromagnetic Interference. Reduction of EMI at the Circuit Board Level.
Integrated Amplifier and Photodiode. Optical Considerations. 14. Electro-Optical Systems. The Compact Disc Player. IrDA Transceiver. A Sensing Application. Optical Parameters in a Fiber Optic System.
Appendix A: Data Sheets From Various Manufacturers. Appendix B: Op-Amp Basics. Appendix C: Derivation of the Stefan-Boltzmann Law. Appendix D: Physical Constants.