" Asher's Eye is the thrilling story of a young man struggling with his faith (and his family) during the Babylonian exile of the Jews. A timeless tale of a boy growing to manhood and coming to terms with the beliefs of his people, the novel offers a historically detailed and believable rendering of ancient Babylonia. Asher is an endearing and inspiring character who will live in the imaginations of his readers long after the novel is finished." --Caren J. Town, Georgia Southern University "Dudley weaves an enchanting midrashic narrative of the struggles of life in exile, where longing for home and a sense of divine abandonment are woven into every moment. All who read this novel will be touched by the universal themes of belonging, family, and one's calling in life. Set in the Babylonian exile, Asher's Eye has a particular currency, where hope finds its truest form in the midst of fear, violence, and otherness. This is a story for all ages!" --Hemchand Gossai, Northern Virginia Community College "Following the rich Solomonic world portrayed in Joel and the Egyptian Cat , David Dudley takes us closer in time and farther afield to the Babylonian Empire and the captives living within it after the fall of Jerusalem.
The stirring story told is one of intrigue and desperation, where questions of loyalty, identity, and strange visions confront a young man faced with weighty decisions. A captivating read." --Daniel Pioske, Georgia Southern University "Dudley has created a masterpiece of biblical mystery: How does one become a prophet? And what marks a prophet and sets him or her apart from the world? Dudley is a talented storyteller. He not only mines the world of Israel and Babylonia but fashions an allegorical, even magical, answer to the question 'What makes a prophet?' In so doing, he transforms the biblical story into a modern mystery. I recommend this marvelous story." --Richard Lischer, author of Our Hearts Are Restless: The Art of Spiritual Memoir.