Dubrawsky's third edition of the CompTIA Security+ 2008 Study Guide Prep Kit provides readers with an all-inclusive toolkit filled with material needed to pass the new CompTIA Security+ certification exam. It is keyed to the new SYO 201 exam. It is designed to complement the official CompTIA Security+ curiculum. CompTIA routinely offers candidates the opportunity to certify in Security+ and recently annoucned the release of an update to their Security+ exam in the fourth quarter of 2008. Our new edition will cover all the new exam objectives in addition to the core material featured on the test. The new exam covers six major objectives, or topics: Systems Security, Network Infrastructure, Access Control, Assessments and Audits, Cryptography, and Organizational Security. Note that as of July 1, 2009 the last version of the test, to which our current edition is targeted, will be officially retired. OUr prep kit provides a full set of tools for exam-prep, including a web- and DVD-based exa engine and practice exams, flash cards, cram sheets, PowerPoing presentations, MP3s, and an e-book, for the edge needed to successfully take and pass the Security+ certification.
All six of the Security+ domains are covered in detail and questions at the end of each chapter are designed to test the candidates' understanding and recall of the material. In addition to new test-takers, these materials will also be helpful to those who seek to recertify by tkaing either the full, revised exam or a special 'bridge' exam. *Complete exam-prep package includes full coverage of new Security+ objectives, flash cards, cram sheets, MP3s for exam-day study, PPT presentations, two complete practice exams, and certifcation e-book library. *Authored by a leading Microsoft security expert. *A good reference for both beginning security professionals and a seasoned IT person, this book goes beyond the exam objectives to cover the technology, and how that technology is currently being deployed in the business world and what the future of the technology may be. These insights provide the reader a look "inside" security, both today and in the future.