Using Social Theory in Educational Research explores the challenges and implications of social theories within educational research. Although concepts from social theories have become commonplace within educational research over the last several decades, little attention has been paid to the challenges and opportunities these present and the problems beginning educational researchers may encounter when using such concepts in their work. This breakthrough book is organized to help practicing educators and novice researchers who have little familiarity with social theory through: introducing the major schools of social theory, their basic concepts and applicability to educational concepts; developing the researcher's understanding of the potential of social theory to improve their own practice; explaining how to analyse findings in the light of social theories, using practical examples and a fictional researcher; discussing how their work might contribute to the refinement of theories and knowledge about educational phenomena. Accessible and illustrated with examples, Using Social Theory in Educational Research is essential reading for gradate students of education and educational researchers with a limited background in social theories. Experienced researchers will also find the discussion on the changes in the nature of educational research and practice over the last two decades and arguments about the usefulness of social theory within educational research provocative.
Using Social Theory in Educational Research : A Practical Guide