Contents: Preface; Part I Driver Personality, Emotions and Stress: Driven by anger: the causes and consequences of anger during virtual journeys, Amanda N. Stephens and John A. Groeger; Urban and rural differences in attitudes related to risky driving behaviour: the role of sensation seeking and risk perception, Matthew Coogan, Sonja Forward, Jean-Pascal Assailly and Thomas Adler; Executive function development and stress effects on driving performance: preliminary findings from a young adult sample, Melanie J. White, Ross McD. Young and Andry Rakotonirainy; Effects of sadness on driver's behaviour: an empirical study using emotional induction and a driving simulator, Christelle Pêcher, Céline Lemercier and Jean-Marie Cellier. Part II Driver Distraction and Inattention: A roadside survey of driving distractions in Austria, Mark Sullman and Max Metzger; Personality and demographic predictors of aggressive and distracted driving, Harold Stanislaw; Impact of inattention provoked by sadness on older drivers' behaviour, Céline Lemercier and Christelle Pêcher; Distracting effects of radio news and the effects on train operator performance, Masayoshi Shigemori, Ayanori Sato, Yusuke Shinpo and Nobuo Ohta. Part III Vulnerable Road Users: Typical human errors in traffic accidents involving powered two-wheelers, Magali Jaffard and Pierre van Elslande; Applicability of learner driver research to learner motorcyclists, Narelle Haworth and Peter Rowden; Influence of cognitive bias on young cyclists' road crossing intentions at non-signalized intersections, Yasunori Kinosada and Shinnosuke Usui. Part IV Hazard Perception and Risk: Driver fatigue: the perils of vehicle automation, Gerald Matthews, Catherine E.
Neubauer, Dyani J. Saxby and Lisa K. Langheim; Knowledge of traffic hazards - does it make a difference for safety?, Anders af Wåhlberg and Lisa Dorn; The theory of planned behaviour (TPB) and speeding behaviour of young drivers, Catherine Ferguson, Lynne Cohen, Julie Ann Pooley and Andrew Guilfoyle; Older drivers' hazard perception performance, Tania Dukic, Emelie Eriksson and Fridulv Sagberg; Predicting traffic accident rates: human values add predictive power to age and gender, Ivars Austers, Viesturs Renge and Inese Muzikante; Examining the evidence that drugs impair driving: some recent findings from the Drugs and Driving Research Unit (DDRU) at Swinburne University, Con Stough, Rebecca King, Luke Downey and Edward Ogden; Effects of snowfall on seat-belt use, Ã-zlem Simsekoglu and Timo Lajunen; Differences in driving behaviours between elderly drivers and middle-aged drivers at intersections, Nozomi Renge, MasahiroTada, Kazumi Renge and Shinnosuke Usui; Older drivers' reasons for continuing to drive, Tsuneo Matsuura. Part V Driver Behaviour and Driving Simulation: A tandem model of proceduralization (automaticity) in driving, Samuel G. Charlton and Nicola J. Starkey; Road-rail level crossings: expectations and behaviour, Jessica Edquist, Christina M. Rudin-Brown and Michael Lenné; Stochastic changes in driver reaction time with arousal state, Takahiro Yoshioka, Shuji Mori, Yuji Matsuki and Osamu Uekusa. Part VI Technology in Vehicles and User Acceptance: Using local road features and participatory design for self-explaining roads, Samuel G.
Charlton; Behavioural adaptation as a consequence of extended use of low-speed backing aids, Christina M. Rudin-Brown, Peter C. Burns, Lisa Hagen, Shelley Roberts and Andrea Scipione; Enhancing sustainability of electric vehicles: a field study approach to understanding user acceptance and behaviour, Thomas Franke, Franziska Bühler, Peter Cocron, Isabel Neumann and Josef F. Krems; Index.