About the book Cover health topics with a real-world focus New - Mindfulness Theme, including why this topic is so important to health, how to practice it, and potential current and long-range benefits, has been added as feature boxes as well as integrated throughout the narrative and signaled by a new mindfulness icon NEW! Mindfulness and You boxes focus on mindfulness research and applications in relation to high interest topics such as sleep, technostress, mental health, sexual dysfunction, etc. New - Focus on Difference, Disparity and Health Equity chapter challenges students to think about issues of diversity and health equity, and the actions they can take as individuals and as a society to begin to remove barriers and promote access to health for all (Chapter 1A). New - Statistics, research, and information on the latest health topics, issues, and trends, has been included. Updated - Money & Health covers elements of the financial or economic world that impact personal health. New - Full Chapter on Sleep now has more coverage and the most recent health findings on how sleep impacts our health. Updated - Health in a Diverse World expand discussion of health topics to diverse groups within the US and around the world. Encourage critical thinking and behavior change Hallmark - A Behavior Change Contract for students to fill out is included at the back of the book, to help set them up for success. Updated - Study Plans tie all end-of-chapter material (including Chapter Review, Pop Quiz, and Think About It questions) to specific numbered Learning Outcomes and Mastering Health(tm) assets.
Updated - What Do You Think? critical-thinking questions appear throughout the text, encouraging students to pause and reflect on the material they''ve just read. Updated - Assess Yourself help students evaluate their health behaviors. The Your Plan for Change section within each box provides students with targeted suggestions for ways to implement change. Updated - Skills for Behavior Change focus on practical strategies students can use to improve health or reduce their risks from negative health behaviors. Updated - Points of View present a controversial health issue and explain opposing viewpoints on the issue, encouraging students to critically evaluate information and consider their own stance. Updated - Why Should I Care? now opens each chapter and addresses the relevance of health issues to students'' lives by presenting information on the effects poor health habits have on them in the here and now. Current content makes health relevant Updated - Tech & Health covers new technology innovations that can help students stay healthy. Updated - Chapter Learning Outcomes summarize the main competencies students will gain from each chapter and alert them to the key concepts.
They are now explicitly tied to chapter sections. Focus On mini-chapters now also include learning outcomes. Updated - Health Headlines highlight new discoveries and research, as well as interesting trends in the health field. Updated - Student Health Today focus on potential health risks and safety issues relevant to college students. Updated - A running glossary in the margins defines terms where students first encounter them, emphasizing and supporting understanding of the material. Also available packaged with Mastering Health or as an easy-to-use, standalone Pearson eText Mastering(tm) is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach every student. By combining trusted author content with digital tools developed to engage students and emulate the office-hour experience, Mastering personalizes learning and often improves results for each student. With a variety of activities available, students can actively learn, understand, and retain even the most difficult personal health concepts.
Learn more about Mastering Health. Tools for planning your course and engaging students New - Ready-to-Go Teaching Modules were written by instructors for instructors and are found in the Instructor Resources section. They help instructors efficiently make use of the available teaching tools for the toughest topics by providing lecture preparation, before-class assignments, in-class activities, and after-class assignments. Instructors can incorporate active learning into their lectures with the suggested activities,clicker questions, or Learning Catalytics questions. Updated - Pearson eText: Now available on smartphones and tablets. Seamlessly integrated videos, interactive self-assessments worksheets and other rich media. Accessible (screen-reader ready). Configurable reading settings, including resizable type and night reading mode.
Instructor and student note-taking, highlighting, bookmarking, and search. Instructors can hide and move chapters creating a table of contents that meets their individual course coverage. Updated - Learning Catalytics(tm) generates classroom discussion, guides your lecture, and promotes peer-to-peer learning with real-time analytics. Learning Catalytics is a student response tool that uses students'' smartphones, tablets, or laptops to engage them in more interactive tasks and thinking. Instructors, you can: New - Upload a full PowerPoint ® deck for easy creation of slide questions. New - Team names are no longer case sensitive. Help your students develop critical-thinking skills. Monitor responses to find out where your students are struggling.
Rely on real-time data to adjust your teaching strategy. Automatically group students for discussion, teamwork, and peer-to- peer learning. Encourage behavior change and actively engage students 10 Interactive Behavior Change Activities--Which Path Would You Take? allow students to explore various health choices through an engaging, interactive, low-stakes, and anonymous experience. These activities show students the possible consequences of various choices they make today on their future health; these activities are linked out to Mastering from the book and made assignable in Mastering with follow-up questions. Hallmark - Behavior Change Videos guide your students through the best tips and practices to put better decision making into action and review basic fitness concepts. These concise whiteboard-style videos help students with the steps of behavior change, covering topics such as setting SMART goals, identifying and overcoming barriers to change, planning realistic timelines, and more. Additional videos review key fitness concepts such as determining target heart rate range for exercise. All videos include assessment activities and are assignable in Mastering Health.
Updated - Health Tough Topics Coaching Activities guide your students through key health and fitness concepts with interactive mini-lessons that provide hints and wrong-answer feedback . Updated - 51 ABC News Videos help your students see how health relates to the real world and spark discussion with up-to-date hot topics in the field. Updated - NutriTools Coaching Activities in the nutrition chapter allow students to combine and experiment with different food options and learn firsthand how to build healthier meals. Student support when they need it New - Before, After, and During Class pre-built assignments that are paired with the Ready-to-Go Teaching Modules. Updated - Prebuilt Assignments with 20 Pre-lecture Reading Questions per chapter ensure that students come prepared for lecture by answering multiple-choice questions related to content within the text. Updated - Study Plans tie all end-of-chapter material (including chapter review, pop quiz, and Think About It questions) to specific numbered Learning Outcomes and Mastering assets. Assignable study plan items contain at least one multiple-choice question per Learning Outcome and wrong-answer feedback. Dynamic Study Modules enable students to study effectively on their own in an adaptive format.
Students receive an initial set of questions with a unique answer format asking them to indicate their confidence level. Updated - MP3 chapter summaries review key chapter content and come with multiple-choice questions that provide wrong-answer feedback. Self-Assessments with Gradebook Reporting enable students to write a self-reflection piece on their self-assessment or complete the self-assessment and have it automatically speak to the Gradebook. Self-assessments are available within Mastering Health, both as a PDF format with self-reflection piece an.