This book offers an up-to-date analysis of the Supreme Court's landmark rulings on civil rights and liberties through a discussion of the facts, legal issues, and constitutional question surrounding those rulings. The third edition encourages students to be active, critical thinkers by stressing the argument that the key to understanding constitutional law is asking the right questions. The text provides a historical context so that students can better understand competing social, legal, and political interests affecting the Supreme Court's decisions today. New to the Third Edition Explores a new theme: the Court as a "Cultural Tribunal," often having the final say on cultural issues such as religion in the public place, sexual orientation and same-sex marriage, and abortion. Discusses civil liberties issues as they concern America's ongoing "war on terror" following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Presents new cases at the forefront of American political debate, including: the Partial Birth Abortion Ban in Gonzales v. Carhart (2007); sexual privacy in Lawrence v. Texas (2003); restriction of virtual child porn and freedom of speech in U.
S. v American Library Association (2003) and Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition (2002). Assesses the recent changes on the Supreme Court, including the end of the Rehnquist era, the new faces on the bench, and the impact of the Roberts Court, to date and in the years to come. Features expanded, longer excerpts from court opinions, and includes updated coverage of key issues in the Court, including creationism and intelligent design, public funds being used for parochial schools, physician assisted suicide, affirmative action, gays in the Boy Scouts, and more. Book jacket.