"This book addresses the planning, structure, and efficient guidance for staff and teachers to use to make recess the interactive physical, social, and emotional experience we desire our children to have. Doll gives you the text and the easy-to-print checklists, analysis techniques, and PowerPoint presentations to make it all happen. This is a must have for the school'sleadership team."- Kevin P. Dwyer, Past President, National Associationof School Psychologists, Associate Principal Research Scientist for the American Institutes for Research, USA "Resilient Playgroundsand its accompanying CD provides classroom teachers, school administrators, and other educators with a wealth of practical suggestions and materials to help make playgrounds physically, socially, and emotionally safe places for all children." -George Bear, Profesor, School of Education, University of Delaware "In a profound and skillfully written book, Beth Doll asks the imperative question, 'what is the purpose of recess?' Employing a data-based problem-solving model, she adroitly addresses the prospect of designing playgrounds to promote an attenuation of conflict, social competencies, and positive peer interactions that endure." - Thomas J. Kehle, Professor and Coordinator, School Psychology Program, University of Connecticut, USA "This contemporary book shows how recess can be used constructively to promote children's well-being.
The authors suggest that recess, especially playground recess, offers the potential for increasing the social competence of children.Clearly there is enough in this tightly packed book to supply empirically oriented practitioners with many hours of worthwhile thought, activity, and supervision. The entire tried-and-true book is based on a problem-solving approach. This is a concise book that focuses on practical applications. Read this wonderful book if you want to see what playgrounds have to offer in promoting the social competence and warding off of bullying and other aggressive behaviors of children. There is no other book quite like it."- Steven R. Rose, Social Work with Groups n, University of Delaware "In a profound and skillfully written book, Beth Doll asks the imperative question, 'what is the purpose of recess?' Employing a data-based problem-solving model, she adroitly addresses the prospect of designing playgrounds to promote an attenuation of conflict, social competencies, and positive peer interactions that endure.
" - Thomas J. Kehle, Professor and Coordinator, School Psychology Program, University of Connecticut, USA "This contemporary book shows how recess can be used constructively to promote children's well-being. The authors suggest that recess, especially playground recess, offers the potential for increasing the social competence of children.Clearly there is enough in this tightly packed book to supply empirically oriented practitioners with many hours of worthwhile thought, activity, and supervision. The entire tried-and-true book is based on a problem-solving approach. This is a concise book that focuses on practical applications. Read this wonderful book if you want to see what playgrounds have to offer in promoting the social competence and warding off of bullying and other aggressive behaviors of children. There is no other book quite like it.
"- Steven R. Rose, Social Work with Groups ased on a problem-solving approach. This is a concise book that focuses on practical applications. Read this wonderful book if you want to see what playgrounds have to offer in promoting the social competence and warding off of bullying and other aggressive behaviors of children. There is no other book quite like it."- Steven R. Rose, Social Work with Groups.