Transforming School Mental Health Services : Population-Based Approaches to Promoting the Competency and Wellness of Children
Transforming School Mental Health Services : Population-Based Approaches to Promoting the Competency and Wellness of Children
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Author(s): Doll, Beth
ISBN No.: 9781412953283
Pages: 368
Year: 200711
Format: Trade Cloth (Hard Cover)
Price: $ 135.17
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

"This soundly structured book reinforces and enriches educators' skills in population-based mental health. It provides usable information on how to get administrative buy-in for implementing coordinated, proven prevention and intervention practices. Rich with Web connections and references, it can serve as a textbook, a practitioner's workbook, and as a tool kit for implementation." -Kevin P. Dwyer, Consultant, Turnaround for Children Former President, National Association of School Psychologists The road map for designing and implementing effective mental health services for all students! Studies have shown that mental wellness is a key determinant of students' academic and developmental success, but simply addressing the problems of individual students is not enough. Increasingly, schools are turning to population-based models for providing mental health services to ensure that students maintain the psychological, social, and emotional competence needed for learning. This comprehensive guidebook demonstrates how to use this approach to effectively assess mental health needs and design appropriate prevention and intervention strategies that will benefit individual students, whole classrooms, and an entire school population. Drawing from a wealth of current research and backed by evidence supporting the effectiveness of the population-based approach, this wide-ranging resource offers: Formal and informal strategies for identifying and prioritizing a school's mental health needs, as well as risk and protective factors Insights into creating and managing a nurturing school environment, promoting psychological well-being, and preventing mental health problems Suggestions for engaging parents in the process of fostering mental health Intervention strategies that address significant behavioral problems, including violence, bullying, depression, and difficulty relating to peers An integrated ten-step sequence for shifting from conventional approaches that focus only on individual problems to population-based services that support all students Transforming School Mental Health Services is the ideal resource for school mental health professionals and critical decision makers looking to optimize students' wellness and educational performance.

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