The good twins of prophecy have gone their separate ways. Angel and his friends are going to Oldcastle to find a hidden clue to the location of the Equalizer. Only with this legendary sword can they hope to stand against the Demon Prince Garaulch. But Garaulch left a trap for them in Oldcastle. More of Oldcastle's residents get sick each day. Those who suffer from nausea, swollen glands and dark bruising die within a week. But those who suffer from a shortness of breath, cough up blood and die of pneumonia in a few short hours. More dead citizens are being carted off in wagons every day.
Oldcastle's sun worshipping religion declares that the impurity of foreigners is causing their god to curse their city with this plague. A windlord, a troll, an elf, a healer and a southern man must get the clue from the religious fanatics' stronghold. Only by convincing the locals that their religious leaders are wrong can Angel's friends get the clue they need and escape the city alive.Marcus and Chris take the western road to the Freeland's frontier. Chris has to get past her mental block, and become the wizard she's training to be. While Marcus must get near the magical strength of his dead mentor before he can leave the Endless Sea. And then somehow, he must learn how to turn the tide.