International Politics and Film : Space, Vision, Power
International Politics and Film : Space, Vision, Power
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Author(s): Carter, Sean
Dodds, Klaus
ISBN No.: 9780231169714
Pages: 144
Year: 201405
Format: Trade Paper
Price: $ 30.83
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

International Politics and Film introduces readers to the representational qualities of film but also draws attention to how the relationship between the visual and the spatial is constitutive of international politics. Using four themes -- borders, the state of exception, homeland and distant others -- the territorial and imaginative dimensions of international affairs in particular are highlighted. But theis volume also makes clear that international politics is not just something 'out there'; film helps us better understand how it is also part of everyday life within the state -- affecting individuals and communities in different ways depending on axes of difference such as gender, race, class, age, and ethnicity.

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