-Theory; Vision.-Basics; Short introduction to Automation; Challenges in Modern Automation; Psychoanalysis; Neuropyschoanalysis; Psychonalysis as the Reference System for Realizing Pyschic Function in a Machine; Science-theoretical Positioning of Psychonalysis: Sciences vs. Humanities; Automation as the challenge for Psychoanalysis; Two different sciences-two different languages. - Model; Modeling a Decision Unit for Autonomous Agents; Perception in Automation; The Current Model: ARS-PA; Functional Description (graphical + textual description); Verbindung des Modells zur psychoanalytischen Theoriebildung und Begrifflichkeit; The New Model and its Description: Top-Down-Design; Basisebene zur Modellbildung: Zweites topisches Modell von Freud (Ich-Es-ÜberIch); Functional description of the modules for the two topmost level Functions of the ES, Functions of the ICH and Functions of the ÜberIch.-Implementation; Differentiation between modeling and implementation-the reason for creating a world for bubbles; Multi-Agent systems, Agent-Based Social Systems; The Bubble-World; Applying the Model; Vision: Measurement technique, comparison of the Bubble Varieties. -II. -Publications Presented at the ENF. -A brief overview of artificial intelligence focussing on computational models of emotions.
-Considering a technical realization of a neuro-psychoanalytical model of the mind. -What is the 'mind'? A neuro-psychoanalytical approach. -Machines in the Ghost. -Simulating the primal emotions of the mammalian brain: The aeactive feelings of mental life and implications for AI-robotics.-Cognitive and affective automation: Machines using the psychoanalytic model of the human mind. -Response to Palensky, Lorenz and Clarici: Issues at the interface of artificial intelligence and psychoanalysis.- The prometheus phantasy-Functions of the human psyche for technical systems.-Return of the zombie-Neuro-pyschoanalysis, consciousness, and the engineering of pyschicfunctions.
-ENF-summary. -III. -Publications after the ENF. -IV. Glossary.