Read an interview with the author now! Not only is Mother Goose on the Loose (MGOL) a fun-filled approach that nurtures early literacy and school readiness skills in young children, it's also extremely flexible. Demonstrating how librarians, educators, and caregivers have adapted MGOL for a variety of settings, this book provides the inspiration and groundwork to enable others to do the same. Presented in easily readable modules, among the contexts explored are specific settings such as museums, outdoor venues, Early Head Starts, homes and home daycares, schools, prisons, and laundromats; MGOL for children with special needs, children in hospitals, parents of premature infants, teen moms, and other special audiences; multicultural MGOL, including programs in other languages and programs that focus on cultural heritage and religious traditions; ways to use MGOL with adults, including mentoring educators, involving senior citizens, and training parents as facilitators; and MGOL in libraries, including ways to adapt it for different age groups, parent-education programs, and as themed sessions for summer reading clubs. Diamant-Cohen also offers social media tips for pop-up programs, suggestions for using digital media, guidance on enlisting volunteers, and more. This resource will enable presenters to offer these fun-filled programs to children and caregivers wherever early literacy is needed--which is everywhere! Learn more about research supporting all aspects of MGOL.
Mother Goose on the Loose--Here, There, and Everywhere