Introduction How to use this book A note on Sanskrit Part 1: Why we should aim for an authentic yoga practice 1 - Problem 1: The emphasis of physicality in modern yoga 2 - Problem 2: Cultural appropriation in modern yoga 3 - Problem 3: Commercialisation in modern yoga 4 - Problem 4: The lack of diversity in modern yoga Summary Part 2: The foundations of yoga and a (very brief) history 1 - A brief timeline to the history of yoga 2 - The roots of yoga 3 - Significant literature in yoga 4 - Significant gurus of yoga 5 - The colonial history of India and the British ban on yoga Summary Part 3: Integrating authenticity into your practice 1 - Three key yogic teachings 2 - Types or styles of Yoga 3 - Traditional yoga: The four key margas 4 - Traditional yoga: Hatha yoga 5 - A note on chakras 6 - Traditional yoga: Ashtanga yoga 7 - Limb 1 - Yamas - Our nehaviours 8 - Limb 2 - Niyamas - Self Ooservations 9 - Limb 3 - Asana - Physical postures 10 - Limb 4 - Pra?ayama - Regulation of breath 11 - Limb 5 - Pratyahara - The influence of our senses 12 - Limb 6 - Dharana - Concentration of the mind 13 - Limb 7 - Dhyana - Meditation 14 - Limb 8 - Samadhi - Pure awareness 15 - Yoga Nidra - A practice for deep relaxation 16 - Studying yogic texts/scriptures Part 4: Continuing your journey 1 - 10 next steps 2 - My hope for the future 3 - Resources References Acknowledgements Index.
A Beginner's Guide to the Roots of Yoga : How to Create a More Authentic Practice