A Note to Young Defenders of Israel This is a heartfelt message to young defenders of Israel on university campuses, in work settings, and elsewhere: You are a fortunate generation, far more fortunate than previous generations who were not in a position to defend Israel and the Jewish community against anti-Semitism, anti-Zionism, and unfair attacks on your heritage. In the 1930s, students and others your age did not have the power or the ability to speak up against Nazism, fascism, communism, and plain old-fashioned anti-Semitism. They were silenced by their fear, by their lack of status as first-class citizens, and by the absence of real opportunities to compete fairly in the marketplace of ideas. Your generation, on the other hand, has both the power and the opportunity to defeat the enemies of truth. The attacks on Israel and the Jewish people following the massacres of October 7 have been unprecedented in their viciousness, mendacity, and pervasiveness. But now, as contrasted with the past, there is a relatively open marketplace of ideas. Yes, it takes courage to participate openly in that marketplace. You will be attacked, canceled, berated, threatened, downgraded, and punished for telling the truth.
But if you have the courage to fight back, you will be rewarded by the verdict of history. Truth, justice, and morality are on your side. Your professors, deans, presidents, and bosses will not have the courage to stand up for what many of them actually believe. You must show the way. You must take the lead. You must speak for the cowards who remain silent. I wrote this book to help you in the battle for truth. But it is you who must take this truth and enter it into the marketplace of ideas.
I, and others in my generation, can help. But the responsibility falls largely to you. In that respect, you are the most fortunate of generations. Take advantage of your good fortunes and speak up--loudly, clearly, and without fear. I have been advocating for Israel since even before I met Golda Meir, Yitzhak Rabin, and other Israeli leaders in the early 1970s. I wrote The Case for Israel in 2003 in order to respond to the lies of that era. But my advocacy represents the past, and perhaps the present. Yours represents the future.
And that is most important. So may you go boldly and without fear from strength to strength.