1. BASICS 1-1 Capacities Nomo no. nomogram for working out / arriving at / converting 1-1-1 various capacities from clinkering capacities after applying pertinent multiplying factors 1-1-2 hourly capacities from daily capacities 1-1-3 capacities in MTPA for given clinkering capacity in tpd for various types of cement 1-1-4 capacities of corresponding feeders and conveyors etc. 1-2 Quality 1-2-1 graphs for various parameters related to % CaCO3 in raw meal 1-2-2 relations between % carbonates, loss on ignition, % CaO in clinker and ratioskg clinker / kg raw meal and vice versa 1-2-3 calculating various modulii from detailed chemical analysis of raw materials on oxide basis 1-3 Rates 1-3-1 kiln feed rates for different ratios of conversion and different preheater cyclone efficiencies 1-3-2 division of rates of fee in kiln and calciner 1-3-3 fuel fired in kiln and calciner in tph respectively from total fuel fired 1-3-4 coal consumption in tph for different kiln capacities and rates of fuel consumption 1-3-5 flow of gases in kg/day into m3/min 2. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES 2-1 Temperatures, Altitudes, Pressures and Densities Nomo no. nomogram for working out / arriving at / converting 2-1-1 temperatures in oC to Kelvin and for working out ratios K/273 and 273/K 2-1-2 obtaining atmospheric pressures at different altitudes 2-1-3 ratios of atmospheric pressure at sea level to pressures at altitude and reciprocal thereof 2-1-4 total multiplier for both temperature and pressure to convert nm3 to m3 and viceversa 2-1-5 nm3 to m3 and vicevesa 2-1-6 density of air at different altitudes and temperatures 2-1-7 velocity pressure from given velocity and and density of air / gas 2-2 Areas and Volumes 2-2-1 volumes of cubes and spheres 2-2-2 volumes of regular cones 2-2-3 volumes of cone for different angles of repose - 35o, 40o, 60o 23 2-2-4 areas of circles and volumes of cylinders 2-2-5 cross sectional areas of stock piles of different widths and volumes of st. lengths stock piles of different lengths 2-2-6 volumes of linear stock piles including end cones for crushed limestone, used in stacker reclaimer systems 2-2-7 volumes of cylinders of large diameters and short heights 2-2-8 quick estimation of volumes of stock piles of clinker 2-2-9 clear cross sectional areas of brick lined rotary kilns and coolers Nomo no. nomogram for working out / arriving at / converting 2-2-10 clear volumes of rotary kilns, coolers and ball mills 2-2-11 estimation of volume of refractory in brick lined rotary kilns and coolers 2-2-12 estimation of refractory lining in ducts in m3/m length 2-2-13 finding out volumes of linear Stockpiles for raw coal 2-3 ¿/2 related parameters 2-3-1 finding sin ¿/2, given ¿/2, half angle at centre 2-3-2 finding ratio h/D for given half angle ¿/2 at centre 2-3-3 finding % loading for given half angle ¿/2 at centre 2-3-4 finding (sin ¿/2)3 given % filling ¿/2 at centre 2-3-5 finding (sin ¿/2)3 given % filling and power arm, given h/D ratio 2-3-6 finding relation between % loading and ratio h/D 2-3-7 d3.
5 where d = clear dia. of mill 2-3-8 finding relation between % filling and sin ¿/ 2, where ¿/ 2 is half angle at centre 2-4 System Design 2-4-1 velocity head from gas flow in kg/m2/hr at different temperatures 2-4-2 sizing down comer ducts for different kiln capacities and gas velocities in duct 2-4-3 finding dia. of a round duct equivalent to a rectangular duct 2-4-4 height of stack for flue gases of different temperatures and for different drafts across the stack 2-4-5 diameters of stacks with natural draft according to weight of flue gas in kg / hr 2-4-6 pressure loss in pipes and ducts due to flow of gases 3. PROCESS 3-1 Fuel Nomo no. nomogram for working out / arriving at / converting 3-1-1 sp.fuel consumption in kcal/kg from % fuel consumption and vice versa 3-1-2 several variables dependent on % fuel fired in calciner 3-2 Combustion 3-2-1 specific gas volume in nm3/ kg clinker for different fuel consumptions and conveying systems 3-2-2 total air for combustion in nm3 /kg clinker for different rates of fuel consumption 3-2-3 total air for combustion with different excess air factors for different calorific values of coal 3-2-4 products of combustion and exhaust gas volumes for different calorific values of coal and different quantities of excess air 3-2-5 distribution of secondary and tertiary airs for different proportions of fuel in kiln and calciner 3-2-6 division of air for combustion into leakage primary, secondary and tertiary airs 3-2-7 percent leakage in system given, Oxygen content in gases at inlet and outlet of the system 3-3 Drying 3-3-1 quantity of hot gas required for supplying given quantity of heat at different inlet temperatures of hot gas 3-3-2 heat required for evaporating water in wet coal for different percentages of moisture 3-3-3 heat required for evaporating water in limestone for different percentages of moisture in feed Nomo no. nomogram for working out / arriving at / converting 3-3-4 graphs for heat required to evaporate 1 kg of water from limestone and coal for different percentage of moisture in feed 3-4 Log Mean Temp. Difference 3-4-1 Log Mean Temperature Difference 3-5 Heat Content 3-5-1 heat content of air/gas at different hot (inlet) and cold (outlet) temperatures 3-5-2 correcting heat content of air / gas (vide Nomo 3-5-1) as per actual sp.
heat of air / gas 3-5-3 heat content of clinker in kcal / kg 3-5-4 correction to heat content of clinker vide nomo 3-5-3 3-6 Cooling 3-6-1 resultant quantity of gas after addition of diluting air to cool gases to a temperature of 240 oC suitable for glass bag filter 3-6-2 resultant quantity of gas after addition of diluting air when cooling gases to 120 oC suitable for bag filter with polyester bags 3-6-3 cooling air at different temperatures in nm3/kg clinker for cooling it from 1370 oC to a given temperature in conventional coolers 4. MACHINERY 4-1 Mills, Ball Nomo no. nomogram for working out / arriving at / converting 4-1-1 speeds of ball mills in r.p.m. for different values of critical speeds and clear diameters of mills 4-1-2 ball charge in tons of ball mills of different sizes for different % loadings and bulk densities of grinding media Nomo no. nomogram for working out / arriving at / converting 4-1-3 power at shaft in kw/m for ball mills of different diameters at different loads and at 75 % critical speed 4-1-4 largest diameter of ball in a ball mill according to size of mill and size of feed 4-1-5 sp. power for a ball mill when grinding materials of different hardness (HGI) to different finenesses 4-1-6 sp.
power of a ball mill knowing Bond''s Index, feed size and product fineness of material to be ground 4-2 Mills, Vertical 4-2-1 power for Vertical Roller Mills when grinding materials of different HGIs to same product fineness for different thruputs 4-2-2 multiplying factors for deviations from base parameters like product fineness, HGI and moisture in feed 4-2-3 actual through put by using multiplying factors vide nomo 4-2-2 4-2-4 series of multipliers 4-2-5 multiplying factor for fineness for through put of vertical E-mill 4-3 Preheaters 4-3-1 sp. fuel consumption in 5 and 6 stage preheaters for different calorific values of coal 4-3-2 inlet areas of cyclones for dust collectors and preheaters 4-3-3 finding diameters of cyclones for dust collectors and preheaters from inlet areas found in Nomo 4-3-2 4-4 Calciners 4-4-1 increased capacity of a preheater kiln for different percentages fuel fired in calciner Nomo no. nomogram for working out / arriving at / converting 4-4-2 percent fuel fired in calciner and degree of calcination at kiln inlet 4-5 Kilns 4-5-1 thermal load in million kcal/hr/m2 in the burning zone in preheater kilns 4-5-2 linear speeds of rotary kilns, coolers etc. of different diameters, running at different speeds in r.p.m. and vice versa 4-5-3 diameter of nozzle of coal firing pipe in kiln knowing quantity of primary air and velocity at nozzle 4-5-4 capacities of preheater kilns 4-5-5 capacity of a rotary kiln from its size and specific output in tpd/m3 4-5-6 retention time in Rotary Kilns and Coolers 4-6 Coolers 4-6-1 quantity of vent air from grate cooler in nm3/hr 4-6-2 finding out temp. of clinker and average temperature of recovered air in case of conventional coolers 4-7 Conveyors, Pneumatic 4-7-1 conveying air in m3/hr in air lifts of different capacities and air to material ratios 4-7-2 diameters of conveying pipe line in air lifts for different capacities for air/material ratio 50/1 4-7-3 diameters of conveying pipe line in air lifts for different capacities for air/material ratio 60/1 4-7-4 densities of air + material mixture for different air to material ratios 4-7-5 back pressure in air lifts 4-8 Conveyors, Mechanical Nomo no.
nomogram for working out / arriving at / converting 4-8-1 capacities of Drag Chain Conveyors 4-8-2 fall in height of air slides of different lengths and slopes 4-8-3 rise of inclined belt conveyors for different degrees of inclination 4-9 Bag Filters 4-9-1 cloth area in m2 in bag filters for different volumes and air to cloth ratios and to find number of bags 4-10.