"In this meticulously constructed volume, Rita DeMaria, Gerald Weeks, and Markie Twist have produced the definitive guide for using Focused Genograms to promote deep understanding and effective treatment of distressed couples and families. Viewed through the prism of Attachment theory, the Focused Genogram model provides a clearly delineated clinical map to guide therapists across the whole therapeutic arena--assessment, treatment planning, establishment of the therapeutic context, and the assurance of desirable treatment outcomes. The model thus empowers clinicians to help liberate their clients from self-defeating, intergenerationally transmitted relational patterns. This magnificent book is theoretically rooted and empirically grounded; it is also persuasively and beautifully written, making it an essential addition to the therapeutic armamentarium of every individual, couples, and family therapist." Mo Hannah, PhD, professor of psychology, Siena College, NY " Focused Genograms , 2nd Edition, is a significant update to the original book. The addition of Attachment Theory makes the genogram a more comprehensive assessment instrument. This book creates a tool that looks beyond current family interactions and assists the practitioner in order to naturally and clearly assess intergenerational legacies, individual dynamics and the influence of the wider community affiliations. Anyone wishing to expand their case assessment skills will find great value in this book.
" Scott Browning, PhD, ABPP, professor of psychology, Chestnut Hill College, PA I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book's update on Weeks' Intersystem Approach and Focused Genogram practices. By adding material developed through theory (e.g., attachment), experience, and research (e.g., neuroscience), the authors have expanded and deepened the usefulness of the Focused Genogram as a meta-framework assessment tool for systemic treatment of individuals, couples, and families regardless of preferred therapy approach. Useful for novice therapists as well as seasoned clinicians and trainers/supervisors. Thorana Nelson, PhD, professor emerita, Utah State University.