Dr. John DeGarmo and Dr. Kelly DeGarmo are proud foster and adoptive parents who have fostered over 40 children since 2001. They live with their foster and adoptive children in Georgia, USA. John regularly speaks on his experiences at conferences and training sessions, and is dedicated to improving and promoting successful foster and adoptive care systems. He is the author of The Foster Parenting Manual: A Practical Guide to Creating a Loving, Safe and Stable Home, published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers, and Fostering Love: One Foster Parent's Journey, and he writes for a number of magazines in the United States and in Europe. You can find out more about John here: www.drejohndegarmo.
com Norma Jeanne Trammell has been an artist and schoolteacher for most of her adult life. She finds that illustrating children's books combines perfectly her love of children and art. Norma Jeanne lives in Monticello Georgia where in retired life she teaches art classes for adults and children. She is married and has two grown children and four grandchildren.