We are biologically wired to seek close and ongoing connection; to form relationship bonds that are powerful enough to ensure that mates pair bond, parents attach to children and children attach to parents. This intense form of body/mind bonding helps to ensure our survival as a species. When these bonds are threatened by abuse, neglect, or separation, we can experience it as traumatic, as a challenge to what we need to survive. Relationship trauma is the kind of emotional and psychological trauma that occurs within the context of these "survival" relationships. The effects of relationship trauma can manifest as post traumatic stress reaction (PTSD), wherein pain, anger, and anxiety from early relationships gets recreated and lived out in subsequent relationships throughout life. Though we may be far away from the original "trauma," its effects remain with us. Relationship bonds are forged and strengthened within the body as well as the mind. Love or attachment is rewarded by soothing and energizing body chemicals and rupture or neglect; by disturbing stress chemicals that can, over time, disrupt physiological, emotional, and psychological balance.
Our fight/flight/freeze apparatus becomes overused. We see-saw from states of high intensity to shut down and have a hard time balancing our intense trauma related emotions once they become triggered. Our moods get thrown off balance. We can become hypervigilant, anxious, depressed, or withdrawn. Relationship Trauma/PTSD can be caused by: living with addiction/divorce/relationship ruptures of all kinds-abuse, neglect or mental illness. RTR is an experiential, multisensory model, created to help those suffering from: Relationship Trauma, sexual trauma, emotional and psychological trauma, abuse and neglect, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). RTR is designed to be used in treatment centers, clinics or as an adjunct to one to one therapy. It can be used as a whole or parts of the model can be adapted to the needs or requirements of the particular setting.
It is also an online course (see relationshiptraumarepair.com, emotionexplorer.com, or tiandayton.com). What Does RTR Include: What are the Model's Movable Parts? DVDs with living case studies told through psychodrama. A Therapist's Guide of experiential exercises for groups. A Personal Journal for each client to use in treatment and at home. Guided imageries with specially composed music for healing trauma and learning skills of self regulation for use in treatment and at home.