Outwardly, successful local businessman Jack Newby is on the verge of cosy middle-age. Good looking wife, academically successful children, nice house in the country outside the small market town where he was born. Beneath the surface though, a vague unease gnaws at his complacency. Marriage means nothing but small talk at mealtimes. Jack senses that his life needs a new direction and purpose.He is asked to become a governor at a special school in a nearby industrial town. He meets younger, attractive Jenny Blunt, who seems to hold out the promise of more than just a professional relationship. A young girl associated with the special school goes missing.
Jack finds himself caught up in events which conspire to derail his life.Jack, himself, falls under suspicion. Veiled threats against him coupled with every growing suspicions strengthen his resolve to discover the truth. But will his old fashioned ideals of fair play and justice be enough to see him through?.