Sara Davis is a children's book author, web designer and mother who does not generally speak of herself in the third person, so.My love for reading and writing started when I was a child. I always had a passion for it. I remember frequently wearing out the stone steps to the library. I spent a lot of time pecking out poems on my dad's typewriter, making up stories on long school bus rides, and constantly lying about stuff. Often, when I had extra time, I would write stories that would pop into my head locking myself in my room for hours. I took the long way around to being an author, but I don't regret the journey.Now that I am older my love for reading and writing has not diminished.
In fact, it has only become a bigger part of me. I am a mother of a toddler and a preschooler. They are my constant source of inspiration.Children are such curious creatures. They explore, question, and wonder, and by doing so, learn. From the moment of birth, likely even before, humans are drawn to new things. If a child stays curious, he will continue to explore and discover. This discovery gives him pleasure.
When he experiences the joy of discovery, he will want to repeat his exploration. That's why writing for children is something special for me!.