PRAISE FOR LEGAL DATA FOR BANKING "This is an indispensable handbook for any capital markets lawyer - a comprehensive, accessible and practical guide to the intersection of data and the law in the context of the banking industry." --Stephen Denyer, Director of Strategic Relationships, The Law Society of England & Wales; former Partner, Allen & Overy LLP "A comprehensive guide to the rise of the legal data domain and its management." --Amir Mehdi, Global Head of Legal and Resolution Technology, Barclays "For many lawyers, data is still unchartered territory but increasingly vital in financial services. This book provides a necessary roadmap to help in-house legal teams engage with their businesses, so they can thrive in the new digital agenda." --Jason Pugh, Banking Lawyer; Managing Director, Deutsche Bank "Investment banking professionals and their advisors will be glad for this book. It is timely, and it has attracted a very right author to the task of writing it. Legal data management has suddenly captured our attention, not least because of regulatory interest in the subject but also because of the commercial benefit of effective risk management and strategic thinking in this area - and because of the serious consequence of getting any of this wrong! Akber Datoo has grown his legal technology business in stunning fashion, drawing on his legal training and considerable knowledge and experience of the financial products and contractual obligations and data they embody. He now generously shares with his reader in this reference work guidance on a range of relevant topics: capital, liquidity and collateral; recovery and resolution; client money and assets; mandatory margin requirements for uncleared derivatives; regulatory reporting requirements; and more.
The book gives the necessary technical detail, yet remains readable and understandable. It is an excellent work, and the author is to be congratulated." --Jeffrey Golden, Joint Head of Chambers, 3 Hare Court; Chairman, The P.R.I.M.E. Finance Foundation; Governor and Honorary Fellow at the London School of Economics and Political Science; retired Founding Partner, Allen & Overy LLP's US law practice "A much-needed text underpinning Fintech and Legaltech.
" --Susanne Chishti, CEO, FINTECH Circle and FINTECH Circle Institute "A must-read for any technologists working within Legaltech and financial services. Akber bridges the gap between the technology and the law in a manner that is easy to read and practical to apply." --Anna Iversen, Senior Capital Markets Lawyer; Board Member, Nordic Capital Markets Forum.