Have you ever returned from a holiday abroad or a family reunion, clutching a memory card full of pictures, only to find them truly disappointing? Badly composed, overexposed, underexposed, red eye, things in the way or in the wrong place. And that's just the beginning. Your photos are in a bad way - if they were people, they'd be sitting in casualty waiting for treatment! Well, the good news is that the Digital Photo Doctor is now in residence and is waiting to cure your ailing images. Using the affordable and easy-to-master Photoshop Elements software, Digital Photo Doctor will show you, with simple step-by-step tutorials, how to correct, cure and enhance those pictures that would otherwise be heading for the recycle bin. And to make sure it doesn't happen again, the Doctor will dispense advice on how to take great pictures in the future. The family snapshot always has the potential to go wrong. This is your chance to learn how to put it right, once and for all.
Digital Photo Doctor : Remedies for Resuscitating and Improving Distressed and Ailing Images