How Do I Start a Business?
How Do I Start a Business?
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Author(s): Currie-McGhee, L. K.
Currie-McGhee, Leanne
ISBN No.: 9781678205560
Pages: 64
Year: 202308
Format: Trade Cloth (Hard Cover)
Price: $ 60.62
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

At some point in their lives, most teens will think about some or all of these: getting a job, applying for a loan, using a credit card, going to college, investing, and maybe even starting a business. Negotiating these events and making good decisions requires basic knowledge, which in turn can be used to build good financial habits. The Guide to Financial Responsibility series provides essential knowledge in all of these areas along with how to apply this knowledge toward building good, lifelong habits. All books in the series include first-hand accounts, glossaries of key terms, and useful resources for more information.

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