Introduction1. Three compasses for the price of one2. A sailing personality quiz3. Gone with the wind - a handheld anemometer4. Test your knowledge of the wind5. A tide table holder6. McGrath's revenge7. A tide abacus8.
A fatal flaw9. A handy sun compass10. Rope trick11. A drogue log12. Singlehander--a protractor for knee top navigation13. The magic of 6 degrees14. Alcor--the mariner's eyesight test15. Spice jar navigation lights16.
A ready-made heliograph17. A weekend sailor's logbook18. Four moorings and a fiasco19. Threefold puzzle20.A hand leadline21. Reading the sea22. Self-steering23. 191224.
Sun navigation in a nutshell25. A mariner's quadrant26. The cross-staff27. A hi-tech back-staff28. Henry the octant29. Dire straits navigation30. The moon as your compass31. Survive!32.
Killorain's treasure island33. A seafarer's sundial34. Latitude and longitude by compass35. Where the sky is blue36. The longitude game37. Polarum38. A trick with Kochab39. I want to be Captain40.
Steering by the stars41. Plumb-line navigationAppendix 1. Tide abacus scaleAppendix 2. Almanac data for use with sundialAppendix 3. Vernier scalesAppendix 4. GHA Aries without an almanacReferences.