Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect
Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect
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Author(s): Crosson-Tower, Cynthia
ISBN No.: 9780135168066
Pages: 448
Year: 202006
Format: Trade Paper
Price: $ 106.20
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available (Forthcoming)

Comprehensive coverage includes history, child development, and intervention and treatment issues. The many types of maltreatment - from neglect and physical abuse, to sexual abuse, domestic violence, and emotional abuse -- are covered in detail. Real-life case vignettes throughout the book prepare students to work with the needs of real people. UPDATED - The day in the life of a child protection worker vignette in Chapter 17 has been rewritten by a protective services supervisor working in child protection to reflect today's practice. Accounts from clients who have received children's services give students a unique perspective on intervention and treatment. Coverage ranges from supplemental to substitute services to show readers the full range of the least intrusive services (supplemental) to those that provide more comprehensive care and protection that the family may be unable to give (substitute). NEW - CSWE's Core Competencies and Practice Behavior Examples have been added to the front matter to help readers identify where competencies and supporting practice examples are showcased in the book. UPDATED - Content has been reorganized into 17 chapters so that no one chapter is too overwhelming in length.

The old Chapter 10 has been separated into two chapters -- Chapters 10 and 11. The full range of intervention , from reporting through case management, is now covered in Chapter 10. The role of other professionals, and the importance of collaboration, is now explored more fully in Chapter 11. UPDATED - More attention is given to the importance of understanding cultural variations when working with clients. Chapter 2 on families includes a look at diverse populations in the United States, including Middle Eastern and Arab families; lesbian, gay, and bisexual families; and grandparent families. UPDATED - Additional information on brain development and the impact of maltreatment on the brain has been added (Ch. 3). Chapters 4, 5, 6, and 7 also discuss how the brain is affected by different forms of abuse and neglect.

UPDATED - The topics of child sex trafficking (Ch. 8) and an expanded section on kinship care reflect trends in child protection today. UPDATED - The functions of initial intervention and case management are more clearly defined , and there is a clearer explanation of what constitutes treatment in protective situations. NEW - Learning objectives are provided in each chapter to guide the student in reading the material. UPDATED - End-of-chapter review questions help students review and integrate material, as well as take their learning beyond the classroom. Check out the preface for a complete list of features and what's new in this edition.

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