"Oswald Minklehoff Honey Bunny III is an imperious cat as his name suggests. He is the boss of a pink wingback chair and no one may sit on it. He is also in charge of the toilet paper, the back door, meals, Bruce (his cat toy), and his fluffy pillow with gold tassels. When a kitten named Pom-Pom is introduced into the household, Oswald will have to learn how to share. After all, the chair may be more snuggly with the both of them in it. Multimedia illustrations with a festive feel, including decorative text for action words involving the cats, add an element of excitement. Children will enjoy Oswald's blue coat and his brightly colored household. Also, as the last page suggests, Oswald reserves the right to keep one thing (his ornate pillow) for himself, which will comfort readers in need of baby steps.
VERDICT This story delivers the perennially hard lesson that sharing is caring in a fun, painless manner." -- School Library Journal.