PrefaceIntroductionPart I: Critical Realism and Marxism1. The tasks of Marxism in philosophy and social analysis2. Ontology and science: depth realism and dialectical materialism3. Historical materialism and social science theoryPart II: Organisms, Subjects and Society4. Marx's philosophical anthropology and the concept of human nature5. Naturalistic conceptions of individuals and society6. Sociological conceptions of individuals and societyPart III: Subjects, Actors and Agents7. The concept of nature and social interaction8.
The function of interests and norms in social theory9. Persons, agents and actors: a realist model of interaction10. Self, personal identity and social identity: a stratified model of peoplePart IV: Structure Power and Conflict11. Structure and culture in social analysis12. The Marxian concept of social structure13. Structure and superstructure in Marxian sociologyConclusion.